Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm alone...

Macam sedih je tajuk post ak kali ni...huhu...
Actually mmg tgh keseorangan sekarang ni...roomate ak blk kg...hmmm...
lglah terasa keseorngan bila tgh tulis post ni, sambil dgr dendangan ayat suci al quran kat Kedah fm, hujan gerimis kat luar (hujan yg x berhenti2 dr pg td), dan juga sambil mkn kuih2 lebih b'buka td...
roomate kesayangan ak, yana blk kul 11 td...ak plak lepas antar second draft kul 12 td, trus melakukan ibadah plg ikhlas, iaitu tidor...hehehe...mmg sedap tul tidor...kat luar hujan mencurah2...apa lagi, ak amik bantal, baring btul2 bwh kipas...Ya Allah...nikmat tul....

tibe2 ade sorang manusia msk blk ak...dlm mamai2 ak dpt detect yg die adelah amy, jiran sebelah bilik ak...dlm dgr x dgr, die mintak ak tolong jaga hamster die coz die ngan roomate die pun nk blk kg gak...hah? Hamster? ak ni dahlah x brape 'mesra rakyat' ngan binatang2 berbulu, bile tgk die kesian plak...lgpun takkan die nk bawak blk...mesti kene tahan ngan pak guard...ak pun setujulah, tp letak kat blk die, nanti ak tgk2kan...nampaknye hamster jelah teman ak...hihi...

lps solat zohor, ak bleh smbg blk tido...ish2...yelah qada' tido yg dr kelmarin ak bleh kire tido 3-4 jam je coz minggu ni cbuk ngan debate..pastu b'buka sorang2 kat dlm blk...kwn2 yg len, depa b'buka kat luar...

pastu gi tarawikh pun sorang2...mengharungi hujan...abis basah separuh seluar...kalo xde org mmg dah lame ak lipat kaki seluar..huhu..Nilah tarbiyah mase bln Ramdhan, kene byk2kan bersabar! (bkn bln Ramadhan je..bln len pun kene sabar gak) alhamdulillah, sampai kat Masjid Ashabul Kahfi, jumpe geng2 sebabkan smbg tido, ak terlepas nk gi tadarrus...kan dah rugi...padan muka ak...

seronok sangat bile tibe bln Ramadhan...bln pesta ibadah...sume org b'lumba2 nk beribadah...even org yg bln len mmg x jejak kaki kat masjid ngan surau, tiap2 mlm pegi tarawikh...alangkah indahnye kalau bln2 len pun suasananye mcm ni gak...huhu..
sebab tulah ak pelik bile ade org yg bile tiba Ramadhan, die cuma puasa(ade gak yg x puasa langsung) tapi x buat pun ibadah len...cthnye tarawikh ngan tadarrus...ibadah2 ni yg membezakan Ramadhan ngan bln len...Apa makna Ramadhan pd mereka? Bknkah ramadhan 'honey moon' hamba dgn Penciptanya?

pd pendapat ak, mase Ramadhan ni lah kita amik peluang tuk cuba berubah, lakukan anjakan paradigma (ingat tu Maisarah!)... x perlu perubahan yg byk n drastik...buat ape perubahan yg drastik tetapi hanya bleh b'tahan sehari dua? cukup yg sedikit tetapi kekal..."Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai amalan yg sedikit tetapi tekun n istiqamah".cthnye, kalau dulu baca Al-Quran skali sehari je, kali ni baca dua kali sehari...yg perempuan, dulu x pkai stokin, skrang dh pkai...

oklah...'Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa!!' Moga semua amalan kita diterima oleh ALLAH dan mendapat keredhaan-Nya...Insya-Allah.. Yelah,mana tau Ramadhan kali ini Ramadhan yg terakhir buat kita?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Selingan : lawak siapa yg paling sengal?

Selamat Manjalani Ibadah Puasa! Saja nk berkongsi sedikit jenaka yg boleh kita ambil pengajaran terbaca lawak ni pun dekat blog "Cina Islam"....Selamat membaca!

Di sebuah kg ada 3 org remaja yg suka lepak. Sorang tu nama dia Ali, sorang tu Budin dan sorang lagi Ciko. Aktiviti seharian depa ni menybbkan tok imam x senang duduk. Pd satu hari tok imam tu dtg dgn niat nak tarbiyah depa ni.

Maka berlakulah bbrp insiden cabar-mencabar. Tok imam tu cabar si mangkuk 3 ekor tu ke surau waktu Maghrib nnt.

Si Ali pun berkata, "Tok imam ingat kami ni jahil sangat ke? Takpa, nnt kami buktikan yg kami bkn la jahil sgt spt yg disangkakan".

Maka apb hampir masuk waktu Maghrib pegilah malaun 3 ekor tu ke surau. Tok imam pun suruh Ali azan. Tanpa berlengah terus je Ali azan,

"Allah Ta'ala... Allah Ta'ala..." Dg segera tok imam merampas mikrofon drp
Ali & menyuruh tok bilal azan semula. Terselah kejahilan Ali. Selepas iqamat, masa nak sembahyang tok imam pun mengangkat takbiratu l ihram. Tok imam pun satu hal, angkat sekali x khusyuk, angkat 2x pun x khusyuk jgk lg..

Masuk je kali ketiga, Budin panggil tok imam. "Tok,tok duduk kat belakang, biar saya jadi imam". Tok imam pun undur le ke belakang.

Budin pun angkat le takbiratul ihram. "Allahu akbar!" Maka para makmum pun ikut angkat takbiratul ihram & memulakan solat. Tiba2 je si Budin ni pusing ke belakang dan berkata, "Aa, tengok! Sekali jee tokkkk!!". Lalu batallah solat Budin. Yg lain2 pun ikut berenti sambil ketawa terbhk2.

Tok imam pun mintak pulak si Ciko jadi imam. Si Ciko pun terus ke depan jadi imam solat tersebut bermula dari takbir sampai le habis sembahyang. Siap dg wirid2nya sekali. Punyalah respek tok imam kat si Ciko niii...

Lepas solat, tok imam pun puji-memuji leee si Ciko ni... Tapi dgn bongkaknye si Ciko berkata, "He hee, itu belum ambil wuduk lagi tu. Kalau tak, lagi dassat aku semayang. He heee..."

Tok imam pun terkedu & terpana.

*Moral of the story: "Tolibal 'ilmi faridhotan 'ala kulli muslim" menuntut ilmu wajib ke atas setiap org Islam....tuntutlah ilmu sebannyak2byknya kerna ia akan memacu kita ke arah kehidupan yg lebih baik...di dunia mahu pun di akhirat...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Racism or Islamophobia?!!

Dr. Marwa Al Sherbiny.. a pregnant woman that has been killed in German's court...

Have you heard any story about Dr. Marwa Al- Sherbiny, an egyptian, who worked an lived in German,has been killed in German's court? This tragedic scene happened on 1st of July 2009 ago...
Most of us didn't know about this because it hasn't been published by the west media and around that time, the whole world are busy with H1N1's issue and the death of Michael Jackson....I only know about this when I've read a post in kak Syuhada's blog(you can link to this blog if you want to read the post)...Then, to make me more understand about it,I've searched more info about Dr. Marwa's issue in google...

Dr marwa in her wedding....

The killing's story is like this...(what I got from my searching..huhu...
At the end of November 2008, (sorry, I don't remember the exact date) while Dr Marwa brought her 3 year-old-son to a park, a man named Alex suddenly called her 'terrorist' just because she was wearing headscarf or hijab.After that, she filed a case against Alex and she won the case. Alex was fine 780 Euros for the insulting marks. But, Alex appealed towards the verdict. Then, on 1st of July, when Dr. Marwa was about to give evidence in the court,in front of her beloved son, suddenly the defendant attacked her and stabbed her 18 times! I repeat again, 18 times? Can you believe it? She died on the spot...(forget to mention that she was 3/4 months pregnant at that time...)
At the time attacking scene happened, her husband was going to help her...but instead of saving his wife, a policeman shot him! (What the..?! the attacker did not injured at all!) Moreover, Dr. Marwa' husband also has been stabbed by the defendant 3 times! Now, he is in critical condition....

The questions are, where were other people? where are the policemen? Why they didn't just shoot the attacker? Are they think this only show that you should just watch it?How the defendant can bring a knife to the court? why the police let the defendant having interaction with plaintiff? where are all west media? why they did not publish the case? What is the value of a human's life in front of you people? Is it just because we are muslims? Just because we are wearing our hijab? You stabbed a woman just because she covers her aurat and practice her religion? where is the justice ? open your eyes, world!!!!

to know more about this just search 'Killing of Dr. Marwa Al Sherbiny' in'll find many videos...

Below I've 'copy pasted' some articles about Dr Marwa in some blogs...(just let me know how you feel after reading this post ok?)

1st post :


Marwa Al-Sherbini: Killed For Wearing A Headscarf But At What Point Do We Say “Enough”?07Jul09

Let me break down this story to see if I have it right (if anything, for my own sanity).

A 31-year old, headscarf-wearing Egyptian Muslim woman, Marwa Al-Sherbini, who was about four months pregnant, takes her German neighbor to court for calling her a “terrorist”. Now, in the courtroom, the neighbor, Alex W., stabs her 18 times right in front of her 3-year old son.

Her husband, a research fellow, tries to come to her rescue and ends up not only getting stabbed as well by the attacker, but is actually mistaken for the attacker and shot by the security guard.

This case was so mind-baffling when I read it a few days ago and I still haven’t been able to wrap my mind around it. Many questions and thoughts have been floating around in my head, and I hate to admit it but the most pertinent one that rests right at the foreground of my brain is based on two words: 18 times.

I am not a forensic scientist but I’ve seen enough Hollywood movies to know that stabbing someone 18 times isn’t a task that you get done in 5 or 10 seconds unless you’re the cyborg or a robot sent from the future. 18 times.

How long did it take for people in the courtroom to realize this woman was being stabbed and that someone should do something about it?

18 times.

Seriously, try stabbing the wind 18 times right now as quickly as possible.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

See what I’m saying?

Oh, and add to that her husband getting stabbed three times by the same guy before the tragedy came to an end (with the husband being shot).

Now I know this is a question that might seem silly or even absurd in light of this event. I know a better debate is being framed elsewhere (thanks to Egyptian bloggers). I know that a great deal of the conversation that centers around this case has been with regards to the lack of western coverage (what did they expect?) and the outrage in Egypt (what did they expect?) and the outrage to come from the perhaps various parts of the Muslim world (what did they expect?) or the rising Islamophobia in the West (what did they expect?), but while all these conversations are valid and have their own time and context to consider, for some reason, I remain mesmerized by this number: 18.

18 times.

Strictly on a human level, how long does it take for someone to react. To move. To say “stop”. To say “enough”. Strictly on a human level. No religion. No gender. Just a human being watching one human being slaughtered by another.

How long does it take?

How does that number reach 18?

See, this is what’s been getting to me lately. In my head, this number, 18, rings incredibly significant. I recognize that there’s evil in this world, and that there always will be. There are breaking limits in this world and I recognize that too. There are numbers that weigh heavy on the human soul, and every one has one. It’s unmistakable. It’s undeniable. Often times we have absolutely no control over them and we relieve ourselves of any responsibilities. Like Tolstoy would put it, we pretend to simply be kings who are slaves to the whims of history. But often times, we do.

Often times, and not all the time, but some of the time, we do.

Often times these things happen right in front of us.

On our watch.

On our watch, these numbers take shape.

For Marwa Al-Sherbini that magical number was eighteen.

But what’s the body count in Iraq today?

What about the West Bank or Gaza?

What about in Darfur?

What’s their magic number? What’s their breaking limit?

At what point do we say “enough”?

More importantly.

At what point will we mean it?

2nd post :
On Marwa al-Sherbiny

Michael Collins Dunn blogs about Marwa al-Sherbini, an Egyptian woman murdered in Germany, and the outrage her death has caused in Egypt, so I don’t have to:

Sherbini was a young (32 years old) mother killed in a German court — yes, in an open courtroom during a judicial sesssion — in Dresden July 1 in front of her three-year old son. She was stabbed (18 times) in the courtroom by a xenophobic German who had previously attacked her as a “terrorist” for wearing hijab, leading her to lodge a complaint against him. He was appealing a fine when he stabbed her. Adding insult to injury, when her husband sought to protect her from her attacker, the security in the courtroom shot the husband, not the attacker. (As one person notes in one of the links, “he wasn’t blond so he must be the attacker.”) And to add more insult to that one, the prosecutor initially charged the attacker with manslaughter (for stabbing someone 18 times in an open courtroom?). (Now there are reports the charge will be changed to murder.)

Oh, sorry, now it appears she was also pregnant with her second child. And why, exactly, are people outraged? Oh, right. All these reasons.

It’s received very little coverage in Europe or the US, and that fact as well as the crime itself has outraged the Egyptian street to a remarkable degree. Her body was met at Cairo airport; thousands reportedly turned out for her funeral in Alexandria. Everyone from the Sheikh al-Azhar on down to the most secularist bloggers are expressing concern. The Egyptian blogosphere has been awash with postings, many noting that the killing of Neda Soltan in Iran (by the government, admittedly) led to Western outrage, while the killing of a Muslim mother in a European courtroom by a man clearly motivated by hatred of Islam and Muslims, is ignored.

I first noticed the Egyptian outrage about Marwa on Twitter, where the #marwa tag has been popular in recent days. Most of the complaints are about her death is not covered in the “MSM”, the stupid inaccurate blogo-acronym for mainstream media. Except that it is being thoroughly covered by the Arab media, so the complaints are, I suppose, about how it’s not dislodging Michael Jackson’s death and Sarah Palin’s resignation from the top items. And about how there’s a double-standard about her death compared to Neda Agha-Soltan’s death. Except of course the latter took place in the middle of the biggest protests in Tehran in decades, as part of a story on potential massive political fraud and a hardline coup in Iran, at a time when the country is perhaps the biggest story of the year. And her agony was caught on camera.

So really we’re looking at more “clash of civilizations” style victimhood. Of course the Marwa al-Sherbiny case is outrageous, it is a racist murder that took place in courtroom. But do we have to compare it to other news stories? And do we have to ask that the mainstream media in the West (which I advise to simply stop watching, at least TV) cover it? There are countless racist murders and attacks around the world all the time. This one is particularly nasty, but is the most important thing to do about it protest in front of the German embassy in Cairo (as if the German government is responsible) or complain that it’s not covered on CNN (although there was excellent coverage on al-Jazeera English)? Is it not enough that it’s a major story in most Arab media?

Also see this BBC report.

Update: I knew this post would upset people (see comments), and that was not my intention. As I said, it was a horrible crime. But by your logic, then I will say that Egyptians are racist against Egyptians: in 2007, I don’t remember much of a fuss being made about a 13-year-old boy tortured by police in Mansoura and who ended up dying in his mother’s arms a few days later. Or does it only matter when an Egyptian gets killed abroad?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Business kerepek dan kismis !!!

Business? sejak bile lak ak b'bisness nih? ok , ape pun, sblm ape2 post kali ni hanye tuk warga UiTM kedah ok?....huhu...(kang x psl2 ak kene post ke oversea lak ak nyer kerepek nih...

ok actually ak mmg ade wat business kerepek ni kat bilik ak...since ak dh jd bendahari IMAN, so, ak pakat tuk wat jualan kerepek nih ngan exco ekonomi IMAN...tujuannya adalah tuk mencari dana IMAN...kirenye kalo korang beli, kire membeli sambil beramal lah....huhu....

antara kerepek yg dijual adalah kerepek pisang, ubi dan rempeyek....tapi kitorg pun ade jual kismis gak....

kerepek pisang yg sedap dan rangup!!!

kerepek ubi yg sedap cam mr potato...hahaha...

rempeyek yg menggiurkan....hahaha...

kismis yg baik utk minda.....

harga lak MURAH giler...kerepek2 ade yg dr RM 1.50 hingga RM 2.50 je....kismis plak hanya RM 1.00....

pd siswi kalo nk beli kerepek or kismis bleh b'kunjung ke bilik ak yg x seberapa indah tu...huhu...M3-02-28....pd siswa2 kalo nk beli, bleh, letak kt ruangan 'comment'...nanti ak bleh mintak wakil IMAN antar kat bilik korg....

* pd siswi...pembelian atas lima ringgit, bleh mintak utk dihantar ke bilik anda...penghantaran adlah percuma....huhu...

ape tunggu lg mai2 beli! selagi stok masih ada!MURAH! SEDAP! RANGUP! SEKALI CUBA PASTI NAK LAGI!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lambaian kasih Yakin al-Wadi....


hmm... posting kali ni seindah tajuknye(harap2lah)...Ape Yakin Al-Wadi ni? ha...Yakin al-Wadi ni nama sebuah rumah yang menempatkan anak-anak yatim di Baling, Kedah...
Actually, sepatutnya persatuan Ikatan Mahasiswa Dinamis (IMAN) UiTM KEDAH akan mengadakan aktiviti ngan anak2 yatim kat sini this weekend...aktiviti ni pulak hanyalah aktiviti sampingan dlm OPKIM ataupun program anak angkat yg juga akan diadakan this weekend di kg. yg berhampiran ngan Yakin al-Wadi nih...

Tetapi...yelah kita hanya merancang tetapi Allah yg menentukan segala2nya....disebabkan penularan wabak H1N1 di Malaysia ketika ini, semua aktiviti luar terpaksa ditangguhkan atau dibatalkan terus....begitu jugalah nasib OPKIM IMAN....bukan dibatalkan, tetapi ditangguhkan....tarikhnya? semua bergantung kepada bilangan pelajar yg mengalami simptom2 H1N1....jika bilangannya berkurang pd minggu ini, maka OPKIM akan diteruskan tapi ditempat lain, jika tidak ditangguhkan ke suatu tarikh yg belum diputuskan lg maybe dlm bulan Ramadhan....

ok, ak sebenarnye bkn nk cite sgt psl OPKIM ni, tapi lebih kpd Yakin, selepas habis bermesyuarat ngan org kg Banggol saga di Baling kira2 jam 4.30 petang, kami terus bergerak menuju ke peken Baling bg menunaikan solat Asar di sebuah masjid di sana...siapa kami...hahaha...yg pegi Baling ari Sabtu lepas, of course ketua projek yg berwibawa, Haikal...pemandu yg cekap, Arif, ...mantan presiden yg begitu perihatin, abg Hafiz (dah puji2 nu jgn lupe blanje ek? huhu.... Haikal ak x pyh byr duit OPKIM ek? hahaha...)n yg muslimatnye tentulah ak as the driver, toki, co-pilot ak....n hidayah, yg muntah2 sepanjang perjalanan...(sian dayah, x sihat....

cukup2...huhu...selepas solat asar kami bergerak ke restoran yg berdekatan utk mengadakan sedikit post-mortem....then, selepas mendapat kata sepakat, kami bergerak menuju ke rumah Yakin al-Wadi...(sempatlah jugak shopping sekejap...murah giler barang2 kat Baling!)

Arif, Haikal dan abg Hafiz bersama mujahid Yakin al-Wadi....

Then, ktorg pun smpai ke yakin al-Wadi dlm kul 7.20...dh nk msk, ktorg decide tuk jemaah sekali ngan adik2 kat sane...pastu muslimin bergerak ke surau n ktorg yg muslimat tumpang amik wudhu' kat asrama perempuan coz tmpat wudhu' di surau yg br siap tu blum bleh salurkan air lg...

toki, hidayah dan aku bersama2 permata2 yakin al-Wadi....

Bile msk je asrama tu, adik2 tu sume sambut kami ngan ramah skali...sume datang salam ktorg...even x penah knal sblm ni, terasa ukhwah tu...tiba ade seorang adik kecil ni mintak toki yg kecik tu dukung...payah gaklah toki nk lyn...hyperactive sikit adik tuh...langkah je kaki ke bilik air diorg, rase sedih sgt...tandas hanye dua je yg bleh guna tuk brape puluh org gune...pastu lak air yg keluar tuk takung air diorang punyelah kecik...ciput giler....ketika ni...timbul rase bersyukur yg teramat sgt...terigt ak kat skolah dulu, kalo waktu 'peak' hours org rmai sgt, air akan jd kecik sgt, takpun takde langsung...tu pun dh rase susah diorg? setiap mase air kecik camtu...

After that ktorg gi solat jemaah ngan adik2 yg len kat surau...nasib bek sempat join jemaah walaaupun masbuk...kemudian sementara menunggu ustaz yg incharge tmpat tu dtg,abg Hafiz gunakan kesempatan tu tuk bg sedikit tazkirah pd adik2...seronok sgt rase mlm tu...sembang ngan adik2 tu...rase cam dh lame knal...

abg Hafiz menyampaikan tazkirah...(maaf, gambar sedikit kabur hasil drpd hand set toki yg x brape canggih...hahaha...)

Then, ktorg teruskan dgn berbincang ttg program yg ktorg nk wat kat situ ngan ustaz ataupun adik2 kat situ panggil 'abah'...mule2 kami rancang nk batalkan program tersebut, tetapi bile tgk muke adik2 tu, x terkeluar pun kate nk batal, cuma kate nk tangguhkan aje...harap2 ktorg dpt wat gak program ngan diorg even program tu bkn under UiTM....

Oleh krn mase mencemburui kami, takut2 kang pak guard x bg msk or x psl2 nanti kene, ktorg pun mintak diri tuk balik...yg plg menyentuh hati mlm tue bile bersalaman ngan diorg, sume cakap terima kasih kat ktorg...n rmai gak yg mintak ktorg dtg lg...terharu btul....mase tu ak sedar yg diorg sebenarnye x mengarapkan sgt bantuan2 wang ringgit semua tu....kalo berkemampuan, baguslah...tetapi, kalo x, cukup dgn kita ziarah, tanye khabar, sembang, dh cukup tuk menggembirakan hati2 diorg...Yakin al-Wadi jika da kesempatan dan diizinkan Allah s.w.t....datanglah kami nanti ke sana .....Insya-Allah....