Tuesday, March 24, 2009


hmm... sepatutnye skang ni ak study library, coz ari khamis ni ade test...
tp, rase malas giler...(mane bleh camni...kate nk masuk deen list...)
br bace legal research...kalo ikutkan madam ckp ari 2, ade 4/5 tajuk je yg msk....
legal research, civil resource (primary n secondary) n law report.... so, ak ade 3 tajuk lg x bace...
so, igt nk abiskan study mlm ni trus.... then, esok relaxlah ckit nk kluar beli brg tuk charity....
actually ak mmg tgh risau giler tuk charity program kt law fiesta nanti...1st time ak jd ketua projek....
ak cerita ckitlah psl charity program ni...ktorg yg ajk charity ni cadangnye nk wat garage sale tuk gantikan charity program yg sepatutnya wat kt hosp.... @#$%^$... huh..ape ni? hehehe...
kirenye ktorg akan mintak sumbangan dr sume pelajar(ape2 jelah yg korg nk bg)...then ktorg jual...
tp, rasenye cam x sempat je...so, 4 plan b, ktorg akan wat jualan...and the most important thing is, all da profits will be donated to orphans house or old folks home... n tuk tarik org dtg booth, Insya-Allah ktorg akan wat a few indoor games 2 attract people come 2 our booth...
so, sesape yg nk sumbangkan ape2, blehlah bg kt ak, or others charity commitees.... n 2 all guys yg xde keje mase law fest nanti, mehlah tlg ktorg yg kat charity ni....coz we don't have enough guys yet...(nanti org ingat ak x bleh wat keje ngan guys plak...)please...
Ya Allah...lancarkanlah segala-galanya...Engkau bantulah hamba-Mu yg lemah ini....
.:nothing is impossible,believe, u can do it! ganbatte!!:.


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